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Original Law passed 8/14/1935
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Man steals an identity and gets deported for Social Security fraud

Juan Reyes Cazarin got busted

He had been offering to sell names of people to others who need a name and social security number to work.

Offering to sell them at $400 a pop! He is now being held for deportation.

When he got busted he was using someone else's name and Social Security number.
At the time he was working in Gulfport, Mississippi.


He was 43 years old and this wasn't his first time in trouble.

He had been deported twice before!

They are throwing him out of the country

He got finally got turned over to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement at his sentencing in US District Court.

He had been arrested in February and held in prison since then so the judge gave him credit for that time in the hoosegow and gave him three years probation on top of that.

Although he is deported the judge told him that it he comes back into the USA during the three years he has to report to the US Probation Office within 72 hours.

Apparently his deportation isn't expected to be taken too seriously if he is being ordered to go to probation if he comes back.

Isn't deportation a "Get out of the country card"?

Doesn't that mean that you can't come back? I don't get it, really.

Deportation has been around for a long time.

Back in Persia the King Sassanid got rid of 292,000 citizens in a mass deportation. He sent them to Ctesiphon way back in 542 CE.

President George W Bush deported over 2 million people and Obama is approaching that number.

The numbers were a lot lower in the past but each year the deportation list is growing.

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